Impressum & Contact
This is a private Weblog of Dr. Heide & Erich Wilts (MBA) where we write about our cruises with our sailing yacht FREYDIS. It is to document our cruises and to communicate with our friends. You may comment all postings on this web site. We are happy when You do so.
More about The Skippers.
Our home address is (and responsible for this web site):
Dr. Heide & Dipl.-Kfm. Erich Wilts
Untere Büttengasse 3
D-69121 Heidelberg
Phone : +49-6221 -47 37 24
Fax : +49-6221 -438 60 99
Mobile : 0175 – 5227 201
I live in Iwaki, Japan, near the trunami-hit seaside. I used to sail, but only small boats. I heard something about your boat in Iwaki. It is unbelievable what you can do.
I have been to Lubeck two times. I remember the red and white brick gate. (I forget or mistake many things, however). I hope you can sail forever. Bekka Jion
Yesterday I went to look for Freydis in Iwaki. I believe I found it but couldn’t see markings because the waves were strong and dashing it, clinging to the rock cliff. It looked sad, like an oil coated bird on a shore after an oil spill gasping for life. I will try to get a better picture on a calm day. But I think it is safe from radiation because of southerly winds and the distance. All humans are wounded animals. We are all Freydis.